Dr. Sanjay Kumar Goswami
Designation: Scientist (SS), Plant PathologyProfessional Experience: 7 years | ![]() |
Research Interest: Microbial management of biotic and abiotic stress in plants
Contact Details: Mobile: 9455936742
Significant recognition (Awards/Fellowships/ Technologies transferred/ Patents etc.): P P Singhal Memorial Pesticide India Award, 2009 by Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Udaipur. Membership of Societies: IPS, ISMPP, APS On-going projects: (i)PI: Genetic diversity of Ustilaginoidea virens causing false smut of rice and its bio-control (2017-2022)(ii)Co-PI: Development of gene-chip for detection of major fungal plant pathogens (2017-2022).Publications (no.)· Research papers: 20 · Reviews: 3 · Books ; · Book Chapter: 10 · Popular articles:5 · Others (Training Manual) 1; Manual Chapters 11 |
List of publications (Best 10 publications):
1.Goswami S, Thind TS, Kaur R, Raheja S and Bala A and Kumar P. (2011). Monitoring for metalaxyl resistance in Phytophthora parasitica, molecular characterization of resistant strain and its management with novel action fungicides. J Mycol Plant Pathol. 41(3): 382-386.
2.Goswami S and Thind TS. (2012). Management of powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) of summer squash with new fungicides and natural products. Indian Phytopath. 65(2): 198-199.
3.Goswami S, Thind TS and Nagrale DT. (2013).Efficacy of new fungicides against anthracnose of chilli (Capsicum annum) caused by Colletotrichum capsici. Indian Phytopath. 66(2): 207-208.
4.Goswami S, Kaur R, Raheja S and Thind TS. (2012). Potential of novel action fungicide against late blight of potato caused by Phytophthora infestans. J.Mycol Plant Pathol, 42(4): 531-533.
5.Goswami S, Thind TS and Kaur R (2012).Sensitivity response of populations of Erysiphe necator totriadimefon and Gloeosporium ampelophagum to carbendazim in grapes in Punjab. JMycol Plant Pathol. 42(2): 267-269.
6.Goswami S, Thind TS, Kaur R and Kaur M (2012). Management of sheath blight of rice with novel action fungicides. Indian Phytopath, 65 (1): 92-93.
7.Goswami S, Thind TS, Raheja S and Vashisht VK (2011).Screening of muskmelon lines against downy mildew caused by Psuedoperonospora cubensis under field conditions. Indian Phytopath. 64 (4): 374-375.
8. Goswami S, Kaur R and Nagrale DT. (2012). In vitro study of base line sensitivity of important fungi against different fungicides. Journal of Applied and Natural Sciences 4(2): 264-265.
9.Goswami S and Pannu PPS (2008). Effect of pesticides on germination of teliospores of Tilletia indica. J. Mycol. Pl. Pathol. 38 (3): 577-579.
10. Thind TS, Goswami S, Kaur R, Raheja, S and Mohan C. (2010). Development of metalaxyl resistance in Psuedoperonospora cubensis and management options with novel action fungicides. Indian Phytopath. 63(4) 387-91.