Network Project of Application of Microorganisms in Agriculture and Allied Sectors(AMAAS)

The scheme ‘Application of microorganisms in agriculture and allied sectors (AMAAS)’ was approved by the Planning Commission in the X plan in the 35th EFC meeting of DARE/ICAR held on 31st March, 2006 vide letter No, 3-17/2005/1A.III dated 27.6.06 for a period of one year in Xth Plan period and continued in XIth plan period. The scheme was continued in the XIIth plan and consecutive period from 2017-2020.

AMAAS Themes and projects under each theme( X & 11th Five Year Plans)

Theme 1: Microbial Diversity and identification

  • Isolation, identification and molecular assessment of microbial diversity from selected districts of Indogangetic Plain
  • Mapping, assessment of the geographical distribution and in vitro conservation of agriculturally important microorganisms of the Western Ghats of India
  • Diversity analysis of microbes in extreme conditions: Development of Diagnostic kit for the identification of Bacillus and fluorescent Pseudomonas
  • Diversity of agriculturally important microorganisms in the Western Ghats of Kerala
  • Agriculturally important microorganisms from soils of rice-based cropping system from agro-ecological zones of east coast of India
  • Microbial diversity analysis from different Brakish water system of East Coast of India
  • Isolation of microorganisms from fermented dairy foods and sequencing of 16S rDNA for strain identification
  • Strengthening, authentication and exploitation of mushroom biodiversity at the National Mushroom Repository for Human Welfare
  • Exploring the bacterial diversity in Kutch eco-region of Gujarat for agricultural and industrial applications
  • Isolation and characterization of Flavobacterium species from fish and Aquatic Environment
  • Diversity of diazotrophic bacteria in arid zone soil under extreme environments
  • Exploration and screening of microbial diversity of Bihar and their potential application
  • Exploration and screening of bacterial diversity in North-East India and its potential application in biocontrol
  • Collection, identification and characterization of microbial diversity of North Bengal
  • Biodiversity, characterization & conservation of cyanobacteria of Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots (NE Zone of India) for harnessing of value added products
  • Exploitation of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Sustainable Agriculture
  • Exploration and screening of Fungal diversity in North-East India and their Applications in Agriculture
  • Exploration of plant pathogenic and antagonistic microbial resources associated with vegetable and spice crops of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Collection, mapping, assessment of the geographical distribution and in vitro conservation of agriculturally important microorganisms of the Western Ghats
  • Isolation and characterization of microorganism from freshwater ecosystem
  • Diversity analysis of diazotrophic bacteria from wheat cropping system of   different agroclimatic zones of Punjab
  • Microbial Diversity and Identification: Fish Microbes
  • Development of a library of putative probionts from freshwater environment belonging to the group Lactic acid bacteria for application in freshwater aquaculture system
  • Diversity of lactic acid bacteria in fermented food and dairy products from food and dairy units located in Southern Rajasthan

Theme2: Nutrient Management, PGPR, Antagonists, Biocontrol Agent and Disease management

  • Improving yields and nutrient uptake of selected crops through microbial inoculants in Vertisols of Central India
  • Exploration, collection and characterization of some agriculturally important biocontrol agents suitable for disease management
  • Application of AIMS for nutrient management and plant growth promotion in rainfed agro ecosystem
  • Development of a cold tolerant phosphate solubilizing bacterial (PSB) inoculant
  • Isolation, identification, evaluation and exploitation of PGPR for Spices
  • Development and application of PGPR formulations for growth improvement and disease suppression in coconut and cocoa
  • Microbial control of insect pests
  • Developing PGPR consortia for enhanced crop and soil productivity of rice-wheat cropping system
  • Structural and functional dynamics of the microbial isolates in biogeochemical cycling of C, N, P and S in rice ecosystem
  • Nutrient Dynamics and Carbon Sequestration in Plant Mycorrhizal systems
  • Harnessing agricultural beneficial microorganisms for production and protection of Sorghum and Rice
  • Isolation, identification, evaluation and exploitation of microorganisms for management of important plant pathogen and having PGPR potential for vegetable crops
  • Application of PGPRs, biofertilizers and biocontrol agents for disease management and sustainable production of Tuber Crops
  • Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for chickpea and pigeon pea
  • Development of suitable formulations of potential bioagents for management of important diseases and pests of Sunflower, Safflower and Castor
  • Bioprospecting for viticulturally important microorganisms
  • Development of a library of putative probionts from Marine environment belonging to the Genus Pseudomonas, Micrococcus and Bacillus for application in mariculture system
  • Microbial Phosphorus transformation in inland open water
  • Basic and applied investigations on endophytic microorganisms in horticultural crops
  • Harnessing arbuscular mycorrhizae for biofertilization in horticultural crops

Theme 3: Microbial management of Agrowaste, Bioremediation and microbes in PHT

  • Accessing structural and functional shifts in soil microbial communities of paper mill effluent contaminated soils and utilization of dominant micropflora for crop growth promotion in these soils
  • Bioremediation of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) through microbial consortia
  • Genotyping and isolation of Sphingomonads from HCN contaminated agricultural soils and their application in bioremediation
  • Refinement in indoor compost technology for white button mushroom using thermophilic organisms
  • Optimization of parameters for utilization of paddy straw, kinnow pulp and pea pods for production of cellulases, ethanol and feed supplements
  • Bioremediation of commonly used pesticides in tropical rice ecosystem
  • Development of bacterial consortia for bioprocessing agricultural wastes and bioremediation of aquaculture effluents
  • Microbial bioremediation of waste water for heavy metals
  • Bioremediation of effluents from shrimp farms
  • Assessment of nisin production in selected strains of LAB and market acceptability
  • Fermented products from fruits, vegetables and cereals
  • Utilization of fruit processing waste for obtaining value added products through fermentation

Theme 4: Microbial Management of Abiotic Stress

  • Development of microbial consortium for alleviation of salt stress for growth and yield of wheat
  • Isolation, inventorization and field assessment of agriculturally important microorganisms in the stress ecosystems of Karnataka
  • Development of microorganism consortium to alleviate abiotic stresses like drought, high temperature and salinity in millets

Theme 5: Microbial Genomics

  • Structural genomics of Mesorhizobium ciceri (Ca181)
  • Genomic studies of uncultivated N2-fixing communities from Uttarakhand
  • Utilization of Actinomycetes to alleviate salt and drought stress for cereal crops
  • Structural genomics of Mesorhizobium ciceri (ca 181)
  • Functional genomic analysis of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) fluorescent Pseudomonads
  • Mining for genes involved in production of fungicidal compounds in Anabaena strains
  • Cloning and characterization of insecticidal crystal protein Gene (cry genes) from Local isolates of Bacilllus thuringiensis Berliner active against Coleopteran, Dipteran and Lepidopteran insect pests

Theme 6: Microbial genome resource repository (MGRR)

  • Microbial genome resource repository

Theme 7: Human resource development (HRD)

  • Human resource development

Theme 8: Nodal Center

AMAAS Themes and projects under each theme( 12th Five Year Plan)

Theme 1a: Microbial Diversity with Special Focus on Extremophiles and Unique Niches

  • Microbial diversity analysis of extreme ecological niches
  • Exploration of the endophytic microbial diversity in horticultural crops through metagenomics and cultivation
  • Mapping of deep-sea and hypersaline microbiota and their characterization using meta-omics approaches for bioprospecting of novel genes
  • Analysis of bacterial community and their functional diversity from rice rhizosphere employing genomic and  metagenomics approaches
  • Microbial diversity of bio-films in dairy niche
  • Functional characterization of salt tolerant bacteria using multi-omic approaches: Towards the development of likelihood model of microbial amelioration of salt stress in wheat crop
  • Culturable and unculturable microbial diversity of insects and their role in Insecticide resistance and other fitness attributes
  • Molecular characterization and exploration of rumen microbial diversity in Black Bengal goats at north eastern state of Tripura
  • Microbial Metagenomic Analysis of Hot Spring Situated Atop The Himalayan Ranges at Manikaran, Himachal Pradesh, India.
  • Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in woody species and shifting cultivation crop of Manipur, North East India

Theme 1b: Microbial Diversity with Special Focus on Biomolecules, Industrially Important Enzymes

  • Exploring myxobacteria from the North Western Himalayas for novel enzymes and secondary metabolites
  • Exploration and mass culture of fresh water cyanobacteria for development of  nutraceutical feed for  freshwater fish hatchlings

Theme 1c:  Microbial Diversity with Special Focus on Bio prospecting for novel genes and alleles

  • Reference and de novo draft Genome Sequencing of  potential AIMS and their functional annotation
  • Biomolecules and industrially important enzymes from extremophilic bacteria
  • Draft Genome Sequencing of  P-solublizing Pseudomonas striata PS27 and functional validation of MSP Genes
  • Genomics and Proteomics of  N2-fixing cyanobacterium with special reference to discovering abiotic stress tolerant novel genes and protein
  • Exploiting the diversity of extreme halophiles by functional and comparative genomics for isolating novel genes and alleles for affording salinity tolerance to crop plants
  • Isolation and selection of naturally occurring and genetically modified cyanobacterial strains for their potential use in biodegradation of agricultural pesticides (organophosphorous)
  • Bio prospecting for Microbial Products that effects cold alleviation and growthPathogenomics-Genome sequencing of Pucciniastriiformis

Theme 1d: Microbial Diversity with Special Focus on Microbes from farm, fisheries and animals

  • Microbial management in freshwater aquaculture
  • Archaea and actinobacteria in vertisols of central India – assessment of diversity, biogeochemicalProcesses and bio inoculant potential
  • Mining the Metagenome for Bacterial Diversity in Extreme Areas of North-East   India
  • Microbial Diversity of Glacier Sample and peat profile of Himalayan Region

Theme 2: Taxonomy, Identification and Diagnostics of AIMs

  • Development of microarray based Gene Chip for fungal plant pathogens under the background of DNA barcodes using multilocus gene phylogeny
  • Exploration of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, antagonistic and plant pathogenic microbial resources from high altitude agro-climate/ cropping system of Jammu and Kashmir state for sustainable agriculture.
  • Development of diagnostic kit for detection of Kernal Bunt and loose smut of wheat
  • Development of detection kit  for  detection of mycotoxigenic molds in ground nut

Theme 3 : Plant Microbe interactions, Nutrient management, disease control and Agro waste management

  • Investigating the potential of root-colonizing microbial population for stress tolerance in chickpea through proteomics
  • Identification of high trehalose-producing soybean rhizobia and their integration with AM fungi for enhanced drought tolerance in soybean
  • Mapping and creation of gene bank of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their exploration for enhancing productivity of underutilized crops
  • Development of practicable technologies for field level exploitation of broad spectrum biocontrol agents for amelioration of biotic/abiotic stresses in crops
  • Development of PGPR Inoculant Bioformulations for Rhizosphere Management in Enhancing Biomass of Fodder Crops
  • Exploring endophytic and rhizospheric microorganisms for management of abiotic stress (drought) in rainfed maize and groundnut
  • Mass production of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Beauveria bassiana, formulation as oil based suspension concentrates singly and in combination and field evaluation
  • Development of formulations of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Lecanicillium spp and Paecilomycesfumosoroseus for management of certain sucking pests in vegetable crops
  • Role of potential micro-organisms in seed and crop health of rice, wheat and mustard
  • Development of effective salt tolerant microbes to mitigate salt stress for higher crop production in salt affected soils
  • Production and formulation technology refinement of bacterial bio-agents for soil borne plant disease management under coastal and plain ecosystems
  • Prospecting the potential of cyanobacteria based formulations as plant growth promoting and biocontrol agents in cereal-legume cropping system and selected vegetables
  • Degradation and effective utilization of agrowastes through technologies involving Mushrooms or macrofungi
  • Metagenomics and cultural approaches for identification of novel microbial genes/alleles and microbes for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomass at extreme physiological conditions under low temperature.
  • Development of Bioformulations with PGPR, PGPF and AMF for induction of resistance in cereals and pulses against fungal pathogens and  improvement of their health status
  • IdentificationofSaltTolerant Microbes and Development of Dynamic Substrate for Cultivation of Commercial Crops in Sodic Soils
  • Development of microbial consortia as biocontrol for corm rot in Crocus sativus
  • Exploration of microbial diversity in Seed Spices through Metagenomics approaches for crop improvement.
  • Formulation of Coleoptera active cry toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis
  • Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobia in Conferring Drought Toleranceto Soybean
  • Exploitation of PGPR and biocontrol agents for integrated management of biotic stresses of chilli in irrigated and dry land ecosystem

Theme 4 : Microbe Based Green energy

  • Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering opportunities for enhanced production of biofuels through microbes.
  • Thermophilic fungi from diverse ecosystems and their potential for producing industrially important enzymes
  • Whole Genome and Transcriptome sequencing of selected cyanobacterial genomes for identification of the role their genes in metabolic pathways related to bio-energy production
  • Developing enzyme catalyzed- microbe mediated processes for biofuels from mango waste (peel and kernel)

Theme 5: MGRR

Theme 6: Coordinating Unit and Human Resource Development

AMAAS Projects 2017-2020

Theme1 : Microbial Diversity

  • Microbial Diversity Analysis of Extreme/Unique  Ecological Niches
  • Genomics– Mediated Taxonomic and Functional Analysis of Endophytic Microbiome in Horticultural Crops and Plant–Microbe Interaction Studies
  • Evaluation of Halotolerant Rhizobium and PGPB Based Biomolecules for Alleviation of Drought and Salt Stress
  • Exploitation of Endosymbionts of Insect Pests for Pest Management
  • To Study the Microbial Diversity Associated with Fish Gut by Using Culture-Dependent and Independent Approaches
  • Development of Effective Formulation of Ecto-, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Dark Septate Endophytic Fungi for Growth Enhancement of Important Woody Trees and Crop Species in Manipur
  • Transcriptome Profiling for Functional Annotation of ExiguobacteriumProfundum PHM11 Genome and Prospecting for Abiotic Stress Amelioration
  • Developing Microbial Technology for Production of Industrially Important Biopolymer and Biomolecules
  • Functional Characterization of Desiccation and /or Salinity Stress Induced Hypothetical Proteins from Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC7120
  • Exploiting the Diversity of Extreme Halophiles by Functional and Comparative Genomics for Isolating Novel Genes and Alleles for Affording Salinity Tolerance to Crop Plants
  • Characterization and Immobilization of Pesticide Induced Protein(S) of Cyanobacterium Fischerella sp. for Bioremediation of Pesticide Contaminated Water Systems
  • Evaluation of Soybean-Rhizobia Interaction under Elevated CO2 and Temperature to Develop Climate Ready Microbial Inoculants for Central India

Theme2 : Taxonomy, Identification and Diagnostics of AIMs

  • Development of Gene-chip for Detection of Major Fungal Plant Pathogens
  • Development of Diagnostic Kit for Detection of Karnal Bunt and Loose Smut of Wheat
  • Development of Bio-Intensive Disease Management Schedule for Production of Disease Free and Residue Compliant Grapes

Theme3 : Plant Microbe Interactions, Nutrient Management, Disease Control and Agrowaste Management

  • Unravelling Transgenerational Impact of Competent Rhizosphere Microbes in Chickpea under Fusarium Oxysporum f. Sp. Ciceris Challenge
  • Evaluation of Drought-Tolerant Rhizobia with and without AM Fungi for Enhanced Productivity of Soybean
  • Mapping and Creation of Gene Bank of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and their Exploration for Enhancing Productivity of Underutilized Crops
  • PGPR Inoculant Bioformulations for Rhizosphere Management in Enhancing Biomass of Fodder Crops
  • Mass Production of Bacillus Thuringiensis (Bt) and Beauveria Bassiana, Formulation as Oil Based Suspension Concentrates Singly and in Combination and Field Evaluation
  • Development of Formulations of B. bassiana, M. anisopliae and Lecanicillium spp. for Management of Certain Sucking Pests in Vegetable Crops
  • Production and Formulation Technology Refinement of Bacterial Bio-Agents for Soil Borne Plant Disease Management under Coastal Ecosystems
  • Prospecting the Potential of Cyanobacteria Based Formulations as Plant Growth Promoting and Biocontrol Agents in Cereal-Legume Cropping System and Selected Vegetables
  • Microbial Interventions for Production of Enzyme Supplement for Animal Feed from Fruit and Vegetable Mandi Waste
  • Harnessing the Rhizosphere Diversity with Dynamic Substrate to Induce Tolerance to Abiotic and Biotic Stress for Commercial Cultivation of Agri-Horticultural Crops in Partially Reclaimed Sodic Soils
  • BIOCLAY- the Novel LDH Nanocarrier System in Increasing the Persistence of Bt  Toxins
  • Influence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Rhizobia in Conferring Drought Tolerance to Soybean
  • Developing PGPR Consortia for Enhanced Micronutrient (iron and zinc) Uptake and Yield of Finger Millet (Eleusinecoracana) in Hilly Areas
  • Development of Research Modules and Pipelines for Commercialization and Regulatory Requirements Concerning Bio-Pesticides

Theme 4 : Microbe Based Green Energy

  • Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering Opportunities for Enhanced Production of Biofuels through Microbes
  • Developing Thermophilic Fungal Strains as Source of Cellulase and Auxiliary Enzymes for 2-G Ethanol from Lignocellulosics
  • Evaluation of Jute and Mesta Biomass for Bioethanol Production Potential

Theme 5: MGRR

Theme 6: Coordinating Unit and Human Resource Development