Dr. Harsh Vardhan Singh
Designation: Principal Scientist (Plant pathology) Professional Experience:· 27 Year research experience in the area of Plant Pathology, Plant – Microbe Interaction, Microbe- microbe interaction in rhizosphere, Biological Control, Microbe-Mediated Enhancement of Nutrient Use Efficiency and microbial technology for agricultural implication. | ![]() |
Research Interest:
Plant microbe interaction, rhizosphere biology and application of microbes in agriculture
Contact Details:
ICAR-National Bureau of Agriculturally Important Microorganisms, Kushmaur, Maunath Bhanjan, 275103, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Phone- 0547-2530358, 0547-2530080,
Fax-0547-2530381, Mobile- +91-9455924615
Significant recognition (Awards/Fellowships/ Technologies transferred/ Patents etc.):
Ø Best Team Award for Grassland and Silvopasture Management Division 2017
Ø Best Team award for PME team 2015
Ø Fellow of Indian Society of Hill Agriculture, Ranichouri, Uttrakhand 2013
Membership of Societies:
Life member of Indian society of plant pathologists since 1996
Life member of Range management of India since 2009
Life member of Indian phytopathological Society since 2010
Life member of society of plant protection Sciences since 2004
On-going projects:
Institutional Funded
Ø Cooperative or competitive colonization of AM fungi and Trichoderma for alleviation of biotic stress in maize As PI,
Publications (no.) :
Ø Research papers : 42
Ø Reviews : Nil
Ø Books : 03
Ø Book Chapters : 16
Ø Popular articles: 30
Ø Bulletin: 5
Ø Training Manual : 6
Ø Others : 25
1. List of publications (Best 10 publications)Singh, H. V., Srinivasan, R., Srivastava, Rahul and Kumari, Bandana 2018. Spore density and species diversity of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi associated with rhizosphere of annual and perennial forage crops. Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 39: (2) 224-231
2. Singh, H V. 2017. Abundance, richness and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with different grass species in semiaridregion. Indian Phytopath. 70 (2) : 228-231
3. R.V. Kumar, H.V. Singh, Sunil Kumar, A. K. Roy and K.A Singh 2017.Growth and Biomass production of fodder tree and grasses in silvipastureSystemon non-arable land of Semi-arid India.Range Management and Agroforestry, 38 (1):43-47.
4. Bahukhandi, D. Manjunatha. N Vijay, D and Singh, H. V. 2017. Effect of seed treatments and storage containers on seed quality ofberseem (TrifoliumalexandrumL.) . Range Mgmt. &Agroforestry . 38: (2) 227-233
5. Sunil Kumar, A.K. Shukla, A. Ahmed, A.K. Rai , H.V. Singh and R.V. Kumar 2017. Production potential of guava- based hortipastoral system with different in-situ moisture conservation techniques. Annals of Horticulture 10 (2): 154-159
6. Kumar Sunil, A.K.Shukla and H.V. Singh. 2015. Efficient utilization of interspaces of Aonla (Emblica officinalis G) orchard through inertcropping under rainfed condition. Range Management and Agroforestry, 36 (2) 188-193.
7. Kumar Sunil, A.K.Shukla and H.V. Singh. 2015. Efficient utilization of interspaces of Aonla (Emblica officinalis G) orchard through inertcropping under rainfed condition. Range Management and Agroforestry, 36 (2) 188-193.
8. Singh, H. V. and Satyapriya. 2014. Evaluation of genotypes, cultural practices and growing location on Phytophthora fruit rot of tomato in participatory approach. Ann.Pl.Protec.Sci. 22: 374-377
9. Shukla, A.K., Sunil Kumar, Ram, S.N., Singh, H.V., Santosh, G. W. and Pramanick, K.K. 2014. Bael (Aegle marmelos) Based Hortipastoral System with Moisture Conservation in Semi Arid Condition. J Tree Sci 33 (1): 7-11
10. Singh, H. V. 2013. Soil Carbon Sequestration And Rhizospheric Microbial Population In Apricot Orchards Following Plastic Film Mulching Under Cold Arid Region. International Journal Of Horticulture Vol.3, No.8 35-41